

 Prof. Jeffrey Glanz


Director of MS Degree Program in Educational Administration at Michlalah-Jerusalem College



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About Prof. Jeffrey Glanz

Below I will write about my professional background and experiences, but I'd like to start with something more personal.  As a child of a Holocaust survivor, I learned that life is about striving for personal growth and improvement, connecting spiritually with a higher Power, making a positive contribution, and helping others achieve their potential.  I have chosen teaching and leading as ways I can positively make a difference.  I have taught and led in different contexts.  I have been most interested in transforming the way children (and people, more generally) are educated, and how schools and school systems are, or should be managed. I have been blessed with gifted teachers who have shown me the way, and I have encountered thousands of teachers and school leaders whose dedication to improving the lives of others is inspiring.  Finally, I am most gratified and thankful to have been in a position of relative influence in helping others achieve their personal best.  Consequently, along the way, I have grown enormously and learned so much from others.

I went to a yeshiva (private Jewish school) through 8th grade in NYC.  The long hours and dual-curriculum proved too much for me.  Consequently, I did not do too well.  Reflecting on that experience, however, I realized that it helped me form a strong religiously observant life-style.  I then went to a public high school during which time I improved a great deal academically.  My 10th grade geometry African-American teacher, Mr. Benjamin, whom I think of fondly to this very day (and is perhaps the reason I decided to become a teacher), informed my parents during one open school evening that I was "college material."  Becoming a 1st generation college student brought much happiness to my parents.  I received my BA from the City University of New York (CUNY) and then a MS from the same institution; then another M.Ed. from Teachers College (TC), Columbia University; then an Ed.D. from there.  At TC, I became enthralled with the world of academia.  It proved to be the most enriching and intellectually engaging experience of my life.  I specialized in teaching and curriculum development, and then later in supervision and educational leadership/administration.  I worked for the NYC Board of Education for 15 years as an inner-city classroom teacher, teaching grades 4, 5, 7, and 8. I then accepted a position as an Assistant Principal at PS 92 in Brooklyn, NY for 5 years.  Although I was told that I would likely "go higher" within the public school hierachy, I left that position to pursue my real dream to teach and conduct research in higher education and thereby perhaps influencing many more educators worldwide through my research and writing.

I was an adjunct professor at CUNY.  Then I received an offer for a full-time Assistant Professorship at Kean University.  I earned a Full Professorship 9 years later.  During my time at Kean, I served as Director of the Holocaust Resource Center, the largest of its kind at the time in the State of NJ.  I also served as Chair for the Diversity 2000 Council, whose aim was to promote equity and justice while preserving diversity in all its facets.  I was also  appointed as Executive to the President for Academic Affairs under the then , and now late president, Ronald Applbaum.  I then went to Wagner College in NY to become Dean of Graduate Studies and Chair of the Education Department.  I, along with a dedicated faculty, helped the department achieve first time NCATE accreditation at Wagner.  I then assumed the Silverstein Endowed Chair for Professional Ethics and Values at Yeshiva University's Azrieli Graduate School.  I remained in that position until my wife and I made aliyah (immigrated) to Israel on July 1, 2013 to fulfill a life-long dream, and to join our children and grandchildren, who had already immigrated there. I also now have the opportunity in Israel to work in educational leadership at Michlala Jerusalem College, where I serve as Head of its Master's Degree program in Educational Administration.  In August, 2017, the program received full accreditation from the Malag, the Council of Higher Education in Israel, thanks to hard-working students, a stellar faculty, and strong administrative support.

In terms of my academic specializations and research, I have studied educational leadership/supervision/administration for almost 40 years. My research and books attempt to draw upon those experiences to find connections between theory and practice. 

In my personal life, I began studying martial arts at age 17, and have achieved much personal growth in that area. This practice has helped me in many other areas of my life. I had the privilege of teaching thousands of others.



Success to all in your professional and personal endeavors. If I can be of assistance in any way please do not hesitate to contact me.

All the best,
Jeffrey (Yosef)


פרופ' ג'פרי גלנץ

ניהול וארגון מערכות חינוך 

מכללה ירושלים






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